
By: Mariah Andersen-Price

That’s it, the curtain is finally closing. There is no encore for this stage in my life, the drip finally stops, and this is where it ends. Huh... High school is ending; my public education is done. I’m finally moving on to my dream, the biggest dream that I have been working towards since the second grade. I’m starting a new chapter; hell, a new book is starting. I’m finally stepping out of the city of my childhood and moving on to bigger and better things. However, I’m going to miss the connections here, the people I know, my family, my friends, and the adults on campus whom I’ve made meaningful connections with.

I'm going to miss Ms. Shabazz, who gave me a person to talk to. Ms. Gutierrez, who gave me a person to listen to too. Mr. Brown, who gave me a person to learn from. Mr. Bugg, helped me make invaluable connections. Mrs. Walker, who has been there for me every step of the way throughout my education. Mr. Hop, who gave me someone to laugh with, and Mr. Goodell, who gave me a space to stay. Thank you to Mrs. Sandoval for helping me navigate college applications and senior year. To Patron for making me feel included and becoming my friend on such short notice, to Kae for sticking through the tough times with me, and to John for being my best friend and sticking with me even when I was annoying and being a shoulder to lean on.

’m going to miss the walks I take to get home; how relaxing and long they are, and the mornings when I run to the bus stop because the bus arrived early and scared me. I’m going to miss the talks John and I have walking to the bus stop, the comfortable silence, the sitting and waiting at the bus stops, and the shenanigans we get up to.

I’m going to miss my routines, the memories I made, and the people I’m with when I leave this school and this town. Building new relationships as strong as the ones I have is going to be hard, but I will make it fine. Well, it’s finally time for me to close this book, this chapter, this piece of my life, and leave it in the past. Thank you, high school, for the past four years of extending my education and proving to me that I need to get out of Fresno even faster. Well then, goodbye Fresno High!

The Magician I

The Magician is a tarot card with diverse meanings, ranging from power, influence, and willpower to manipulation, greed, or unused ability. I have never pulled the Magician card. But if I had, I would be intrigued to see whether the outcome of pulling the card. Whether or not I would be put into a situation involving someone’s nasty manipulation tactics or gaining power over my own life. This card can vary from person to person, but one thing is for certain, pulling the Magician is like pulling a rabbit out of a hat, no pun intended. Since there are so many tricks up the Magician’s sleeve, you can never know what to expect.  

A Magician must be cunning, sly, intelligent, and warry. However, they must be powerful and can influence the minds of those around them. This card could mean that someone or yourself is lacking concentration or not thinking clearly, which could affect the magic you make. The Magician is a mysterious figure hidden behind shadow, doubt, and trickery. If I pulled the Magician, my reaction would depend on the position of the card. If it was in the upright, I would be content and wait for the blessings to come my way. However, if it was in the reverse, I would recenter myself or isolate myself to prevent any lies or manipulation from entering my life.  

Buy your own Tarot Deck today! https://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books/12659

Examples of the Magician Card.