Features Overview


The Great American Cleanup

By: Joshua Butz

The Great American Cleanup occurs every year on, or near Earth Day. The Beautify Fresno office organizes the cleanup effort around Fresno. They supply gloves, pickers, bags, dumpsters and event T-shirts for everyone who volunteers. There were events hosted all around Fresno, but Fresno High donated their time in the Tower District as it was the closest to campus. “Taking time to clean up our neighborhoods is everyone’s responsibility,” explained Beautify Fresno sponsor Ms. Jamie Anthony. 

The Great American Cleanup has started in Fresno in 2009, but the first Earth Day started back in 1970. Earth Day was started and founded as an environmentalist and former Wisconsin by Sen. Gaylord Nelson. He started earth day to fight protect the environment. The Cleanup occurred on April 22, this year from 10am to 12pm. By participating in this event, everyone who lives, works and shops in that area benefits from the efforts.  


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Feature 3

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