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By: Cadence Allen- Entertainment Editor

The Sportlight for the month of April 2024, is honoring Alyssa Reyes, a member of the Fresno high School Badminton team. FHS Badminton is a spring sport coached by Mr. Keith Pempek and Mr. Kevin Ochs. Home games typically take place at Fresno City College.

This is Alyssa’s third and final year of playing badminton. She grew up playing it leisurely with her family and took it up as a sport in sophomore year where she won the Principals Award for badminton. Alyssa has played in a tournament each year and is currently ranked #3 singles.

“Badminton is a competitive but very fun environment,” said Reyes. “Everyone involved is very open and welcoming and we all just want to see each other get better.” Alyssa Reyes is yet another great athlete at Fresno High School.

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Nulla eu pretium massa. Sed a ligula quis sapien lacinia egestas. Phasellus sodales massa malesuada tellus fringilla, nec bibendum tellus blandit.