What is the Regency Era?

When historians look back at the Regency Era in English history they associate it with culture-- architecture, art, and fashion—that spans from 1800 to 1830. The true “regency era” is political and began in 1811 and lasted until 1820. King George III of England was deemed mentally unfit to rule in 1811, so his son ruled in his stead. Because the King had not died, his son could not be officially named king. Therefore, George IV first ruled as regent before becoming king upon his father's death. A regent is someone who rules in place of the monarch if the monarch becomes incapacitated.  When George III died in 1820, his son, the former "regent," officially became the monarch and was crowned George IV.

SOURCE: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-the-regency-period-definition-characteristics.html