Farewell to Fresno High

Farewell, my high school life. This feels weird to say, four years ago I was just a freshman, talking to a laptop screen in a TEAMS video call. There were many things to adjust to from being a middle schooler and entering high school as a sophomore student at Fresno High School.  

  But thanks to this school. I have been able to meet and make many great connections with new friends and staff members. Being able to be a part of sports and joining clubs is the best experience that I have had being here.  

I would like to thank Mr. Thao, my math and Hmong teacher. He helps me out whenever I struggle understanding math, and I come and nag to him when school becomes a little hard sometimes. Mr. Xiong my counselor, even though I make many complaints and excuses.  He never gives up on me, always being there and helping me out. Lastly, my friend that I made along the way Maria Andrade, who was always there to make me laugh no matter what.  

Then there’s the afterschool snacks, hanging out with my friends... memories just flow in as I think about the past three years in actual high school. My yearbook class with Ms. Sciacqua was sometimes stressful, but joyful at the same time. The classmates in the yearbook room always made me laugh. I will always remember this class that was filled with joy and laughter.  

As formal as I can be: Farewell, Fresno High School and thank you for the great four years.